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Top 6 Low Impact Exercises to Do With Adrenal Fatigue

Low impact exercises are those that do not involve putting excess strain or weight on your muscles or joints when in motion. These kinds of exercises include swimming, yoga, gentle mat Pilates, light walking, biking, light strength training, water aerobics, and cycling. This is a great way to begin exercise if you experience joint pain, […]
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10 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin Health

Over-the-counter aloe vera gels that people apply to their skin are derived from aloe vera plants. Yet while these gels tend to contain many additional skin-soothing ingredients, like calendula and echinacea, aloe is also a powerful skin-soother. There are over 400 different species of aloe vera plant, although the most popularly used kind for skin […]
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Heat Regulating Supplements to Beat the Scorching Summer Heat

Many folks look forward to the warm weather of summer and all the wonderful activities that come with it. But the warmer temperatures can take a toll on your body if you are not careful. You can dehydrate or overheat easily on a hot day, and heat-related illnesses can become very serious, or even fatal. […]
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Probiotics Brain Supplements: Do They Reduce Cognitive Decline?

As the body ages, its organs do as well – and this includes the brain. This brain aging translates to cognitive decline and memory issues, especially above the age of 65. And two out of ten Americans in this age group experience mild cognitive impairment, which is a more severe form of cognitive decline. Considering […]
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How to Make the Perfect Strawberry Smoothie Recipe for You

Strawberries are highly nutritious, packed with minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins, as well as a variety of bioactive compounds. Strawberries' bioactive compounds may even have protective abilities against certain health conditions, like cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic disorders. You can add strawberries to your diet in several ways, including delicious strawberry smoothies. However, […]
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30 Day Weight Loss Challenge: How to Design One That Works

Losing weight is definitely not an easy task by any means. Many people embark on weight loss challenges, invest considerable effort and time, and after 30 days, may observe little to no positive results. As you can imagine, this is deeply frustrating and may cause many to give up on weight loss entirely. However, a […]
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Magnesium Supplements for Sleep, Stress, Muscle Health and More

Magnesium plays a vital role in many body functions. Yet many people do not get enough. Studies estimate that 50-80% of the US population is deficient in magnesium, and many could be suffering from symptoms of deficiency without knowing the cause. For these people, magnesium supplements may help not only address these issues, but also […]
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Summer Travel Tips: How to Plan to Avoid Stress, Protect Your Health, and Have More Fun

Summer is a time when many people take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and go on a vacation. The goal is to destress and hit the reboot button. However, it doesn't always help us relax as much as we hope. Summer travel can be a stressful ordeal, full of complex plans, […]
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How to Protect Your Sleep Health During Summer

In the minds of many, summer is easily the best season, and it’s not really hard to see why. When you think of summer, you think of sunny skies, warm weather, vacations, beach parties, and the like. What many people do not think of is sleep health, and you may be wondering why that is […]
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10 Ways to Boost Summer Energy Levels and Avoid Heat-Related Fatigue

Summer brings up images of long walks, fun in the sun, time at the beach, burgeoning gardens, sitting on the porch, and sipping large glasses of ice-cold sweet tea. There's a lot we want to do in summer. But one thing that keeps many of us back from having the summer we want is summer […]
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